Thursday, March 27, 2008

Demographic Bidding on AdWords

A new feature released by Google AdWords now allows advertisers to set bids according to demographic levels, within content network (for both keyword and placement targeted campaigns). According to Google, a select amount of content network sites are now scanned for demographic layers, which allow advertisers more control over bid distribution. It will be interesting to see how this release will venture its way over to the search network...if ever.

Demographic bidding also allows for an advertiser to exclude select demographic groups that are not appropriate for their campaign. An additional demographic tool allows advertisers to select sites (site placement) according to demographic parameters.

To begin making demographic bid adjustments, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your AdWords account
2. Select the name of the campaign you want to edit
3. Click 'Edit Campaign Settings'
4. Find the Advanced Options section of the campaign settings page. Next to the heading 'Demographics,' click 'View and edit options.'

Google note** You can also combine bids for two overlapping groups. For instance, suppose you bid CPM +25% for users aged 35-44, and CPM +50% for female users. Those bids will combine to equal a bid of CPM +75% for any user who is both female and 35-44 in age.

Here are the links to Google's official postings:

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